Sometimes celebrities need some help with their awful choices. Ellen Pompeo takes her need for comfort to an uncomfortably disastrous level, Ashley Tisdale does Pilates dressed like a 22 year old college frat boy and Mariah Carey looks like a waitress from the local hooters.
Why not show your presidential support with a subtle button, Ellen? Why don’t you turn to Stella McCartney’s Adidas line next time you exercise Ashley? Mariah, how about you try some tasteful dresses next time you go out in public?
Here some helpful suggestions.

haha I just wrote a similar post (including Mimi)
love your blog! exchange links?
U've got an interesting blog!Will be checking it out often!
The Adidas line by Stella McCartney is very delicious!
Fantastic! If only someone would make over (or maybe under in Mimi's case) some of these ladies!
I love that Stella McCartney for Adidas jacket, it's really me since I don't like to wear sporty clothes, but I really don't mind to wear this jacket! And image how divine Mimi would look with those dresses on and that Fendi clutch. Not even the kids in my class who arn't that stylish would wear that. Yuck!
With that I mean her disgusting clothes, not the dresses.
By the way, would you like to exchange links? Because I love your blog!
seriously mariah carey.....
she dresses like it's still the 90's. i'm surprised her stylist hasn't been fired yet.
cute post
xo K
I can't stand Mariah Carey, why she does that to herself? Looks always ridiculous
In Ellen's defence when she dresses up she looks AMAZING.
Great post.
Mariah Carey DEFINITELY needs help with her wardrobe. i mean i know she obviously has a toned body but COME ON woman, start dressing more like a lady and less like a hooker!
Love the outfits you put together
Great idea for a post, and wonderful wardrobe suggestions & collages!
Such a great post, they all need some help! I love the outfit you've styled for Ellen..I can really picture her in it.
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haha i couldn't agree with you more, especially about mariah! put it AWAY!!
Thanx a lot for you sweet comment!
I loved this post! VEry intelligent!
Loved this post! Cool suggestions :-)
A great idea! What was Mariah thinking? I love the pieces from the Adidas by Stella McCartney range.
if only someone could tell those ladies that they need a makeover pronto. i love ur suggestions! =)
please check out my blog,
Ellen and Ashley's outfits don't bother me half as much as Mariah's. At least you can tell they're just concerned about comfort and not actually trying to look stylish. The clothes you picked for her are fabolous! Pity she doesn't have you as her stylist...
Nice post.
And good choices for Mariah Carey, she'd look great in one of those dresses, and it would make a nice change to see her a little covered up!
mariah could do with some help. actually she needs a lot of help.
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