Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day is a darling screwball comedy and I absolutely adored it. The sets were so luscious and the performance of "If I Didn't Care" by Amy Adams and Lee Pace (come back to me Pushing Daisies!) was simply masterpiece.
Of course the costumes were truly magnificent and you can bring the 40’s prewar style with structured and demure dresses, glamorous clutches and stunning jewelry.
What A Day For A Daydream
If you prefer a more laid back look once in a while, it’s fun to a hippie chic day. Movable dresses, looser jeans and bohemian prints almost make you want to frolic in the grass. And don’t forget a little feather here or there.
OMG Lil' J.
Often overlooked next to fashionistas Blair and Serena Little Jenny proves that she deserves to be noticed too. In this outfit, from set, she perfectly demonstrates how you can take to inspirations and bring them into the new millennium. You have the classic 40’s fishnet stockings and shoes and then the hippie chic elements with the scarf and the boho bag. A look to gossip about.
Oh and OMG don’t forget to tune in for the first new episode in 20 years (or at least it felt like that).
PS. I know posting has been irregular at best but I have a very good reason (one that shall remain a secret). But worry not my dear readers: soon this blog will return to its fabulous self.